CAGD 112 - Digital Photography

On The Edge


        For this assignment, the objective was to create a visually compelling image with the main subject matter on the edge of the picture. By utilizing natural elements such as leading lines, contrast, and focus we can create an image that looks good. After taking at least 30 of these images,we then chose our favorite image of the bunch and edit it in Photoshop to enhance the natural allure of the image.

         My target composition for this image is in the name of the assignment. The main object of the image is supposed to be on the edge. In this particular image I also use the leading lines and repetition of the bike rack to point to the other end of the photo. You can even see that I cropped down the image so that my leading lines pointed more towards the opposite corner of the image rather than just the side.

         My focal point of this image was on the bike at the very right if this image. From there I'd like to believe I've set up the image to make you look towards the left into the void of darkness.

        Most of the post-processing I did on this image was mainly just getting rid of blown out values of black and white. Looking back at it now I can see that I actually missed quite a bit, but I darkened a lot of the light that was being focused onto the middle of the image so that everything else didn't seem too dark by contrast.


         The premise of this assignment was to heavily utilize Depth of Field in our image along with our other composition abilities to create an image. In my particular image I actually used a puzzle I had lying around my apartment. My objective in this image was to use some of the straightened lines of the puzzle as leading lines going to the further depth of the image.

         Looking at this image now, I see that there's no real focal point. My intention was most likely that I wanted it to be the very center of the image, but there's nothing there to draw your eyes. 

         As far as post-processing, I unfortunately didn't save the processed image. I do remember having changed the image from color to black and white, along with editing a lot of blown out values, but I don't have the image on hand.


         The purpose of this assignment was to take a set of images and manually combine them into what is known a panorama, which is essentially just a much wider view image. By taking a set of pictures all correlating to one view then you can later post process them into one much larger image.

        In this instance I was trying to combine depth of field and the skill set of creating a panorama, to make an image where I show a lot of one small thing, of which is my keyboard. The focal point of this image I would say is right in the center where the distortion is at it's least. From there the viewer can follow the keyboard's curves to the ends of the image. 

         I only have one image up for this assignment, because the non-processed images are essentially this exact image, but split up into 5 different images. The post-processing almost entirely consisted of just trying to piece those images together to make this one panorama.


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